On the Radio Tonight

Come sit with me a spell. Live at 5:30 pm Central Time (6:30 Eastern). At WSOY's Direct Line. The station streams starting at 5:00 pm, when I believe several hundred college students are being highlighted for their work with creating habitats. Then it's me at 5:30 pm.
I'd be delighted if a few friends were going to be in the living room, smiling and nodding.
Sofa for Three at the Louvre, in Napoleon's Apartments. Photo by L.L. Barkat.
Labels: Napoleon's furniture, radio appearance
Wish I could be there! God bless.
What a gorgeous sofa! I tried to listen online, but it didn't work for some reason. :(
Chief... I would have loved to share some tea with you! :)
Rebekah... sorry, I wasn't clear enough. I added a footnote now. The station doesn't go live until 5:00 pm central time. You should be able to listen after that.
Oh, I'm so glad I checked. I tried to get it to work, earlier, too, and couldn't find anything. Whew!
Did you get it to work? I can't. :(
I did, but only in Windows Media Player...iTunes wouldn't work...
That's cool, LL. So now, you're branching into talk radio...being an author isn't enough for you? ;-)
How funny...just as I got ready to comment here, I got your comment.
It was so good to hear you. You sound so much liked I'd imagined you sound. And you felt so real and honest, like you were sharing with a friend and not on the radio. I loved it! I almost imagined we were having coffee somewhere (with some guy who kept interrupting for questions) ;)
I can't imagine doing something like that...talking into my own phone and knowing that, somewhere, it's on the radio. Then again, I'm skeptical of the phone on a good day. So you're my very cool person for today, for not being afraid of the telephone ;)
Every Square... oh, being an author is more than enough. Radio. Makes me shiver. And you. Make me laugh!
Sarah... really? What a relief. You are right that it's hard to be genuine, talking to thousands of people through a phone line. How I LAUGHED when you said that about the guy who kept interrupting us. :) But, really, wasn't he so deep? I was amazed at how poignantly he approached the whole thing.
He WAS pretty deep...ok, he was deep, deep, deep, and then he'd ask a question that made me wonder if he just didn't get it...and then he'd be deep again. But some of his questions were astounding. And it would be AMAZINGLY funny if we were having coffee and some guy kept asking mostly-good questions ;)
Oh, man...I'm going to be out tonight! Can I listen *after* it's done? Will they play it again? I so want to hear! Ditto the comment about the sofa, btw. It's wonderful!
Doh! I missed it.
I was going to comment on that awesome Louvre couch, but now I'm thinking, "How much will we have to crane our necks in order to have a conversation? And wherever shall we put our tea cups?"
Still, if it were the living room of a synchronized swimmer from on of those 1940's Hollywood spectaculars, I could see the party she'd host. Everyone would launch off the red velvet at the same time, swirling, diving, reaching for the veggie tray. All in perfect synchronized red velvet Hollywood pizazz.
Ok. That was not really the point was it?
woah...cool sofa.
Ted and i got to listen online. It was good to hear you again. Great to hear your insightful uplifting words again.
I missed this - having just now checked your place :0( Is is recorded? Can you put the soundtrack on a post? I really like the sofa for three and the seats are positioned for conversation including all three so one does not feel like "odd man/woman out"
l.l., i'm with those who missed this opportunity. Phooey!!!!! yes, please advise if there is a way to listen after the fact.
Sarah... so deep in fact that the interview is still with me today. He must be a terrific pastor (that's his day job). And yes, that would be quite amusing to have coffee in such a way!
Erica... ah well. I'm asking if there's an archive, but I don't know. Maybe it was one of those "you had to be there" moments. We'll see.
Erin... but the velvet... wouldn't it be worth the strain? I laughed at your comment!!
Nancy... isn't it though? Napoleon's apartments were my favorite thing at the Louvre (sorry, Mona)
Deb... that's terrific. I thought of you two beforehand. :)
Sojourner... see comment above to Erica. And the couch... perfect example of form wedded to function.
Laure... see comment to Erica. And I'm so sorry I didn't post an alert earlier. See, I actually forgot all about it. Until a few hours before. (hadn't received any confirmation emaill and it had been planned in October :)
I missed it.
And the chance to let that curved couch wrap around, and you with your words, and the night grow long and perfect.
I feel sad -- like something all right was missed.
Yes, I ask with the masses:
Is there a recording somewhere?
Hey there, All. Especially those who are wondering about having a listen...
It'll be a short wait. They have an old-fashioned system... I'll get it on CD and then have to figure it from there.
I'll let you know when I get it all worked out. Thanks for asking! :)
Yea! I would love to hear it, whenever and however possible. I've been thinking about it today and wishing I could have 'been' there!
Aw, rats.
I missed the whole party.
When you get that CD figured out, posted, or whatever, please let me know.
I'm dreadfully behind in all correspondence, blog-reading (which is why I tuned in late to yours), and just about everything other than the laundry.
I'm kidding. I'm totally behind in the laundry, too.
At last I get to this! It was great to hear you again, and I really like the way you answered, and particularly your thoughts on faith and the difficulty there is in living it out. So very true, and this life is beyond us, but God makes that so. The project to make us like Jesus is way beyond our imaginations, and we're often lost because that ends up being a part of our growth in faith, I take it, somehow.
I hope this gets more interested in your book, and we look forward to your next one to come. But thanks for giving us the heads up on the interview.
Unfortunately I still missed it. :(
Missed this last week while out of town...boo, hoo, hoo!
any word on a cd?
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