On, In, and Around Mondays: Nothing-Doing Writing

Phone calls (a lot of them!). Projects. Schedules. Business. And two weeks of laundry piled up because of the Christmas vacation.
My head, spinning. (I know where that metaphor came from now, as I sit in the olive-green wingback chair.)
A footstep in the hallway, and my husband comes into the room, wants to know, "Are you okay?"
I am just sitting. I've taken my glasses off, and I'm holding my head in my hands (it feels good). I am doing nothing at all. Books piled at my feet. The round wooden table to my left, lights off except for the Christmas tree (we keep ours until it can't be kept anymore).
I know the way nothing-sitting can fill me up. But I've been reminded by this article, to sit and let the world go quiet.
My writing notebook is in the pile of books, and I consider opening it. But then, I don't even want that.
It is a clear mind that eventually becomes creative. I've written about this process of emptying and filling before. It never changes. The red dress is still waiting. Today, it's under the Christmas tree. And soon I'm hoping the rain will turn to the white-nothing of January snow.
On, In and Around Mondays (which partly means you can post any day and still add a link) is an invitation to write from where you are. Tell us what is on, in, around (over, under, near, by...) you. Feel free to write any which way... compose a tight poem or just ramble for a few paragraphs. But we should feel a sense of place. Would you like to try? Write something 'in place' and add your link below.
If you could kindly link back here when you post, it will create a central meeting place. :)

This post is also shared with Laura Boggess, for...

Labels: On in and Around Mondays, solitude, writing
I want to hear more about the red dress. And that January snow.
Snow is exotic, here.
Happy new year, LL!
Giving ourselves permission to do nothing-sitting is giving ourselves a gift. I plan to do more of it as I empty and fill again.
So much melting and soaking happens in a space of stillness. The growing tendril will chase us out later.
I'm very happy to see this post.
In this frenetic age, multi-tasking, doing a lot, seems to be the acceptable way for people to function. But to me, nothing-sitting (as you dub it), daydreaming, "listening" (as an article in the Curator spoke of it) are vital to our well-being. Otherwise we rush about and look profoundly busy but may not really be accomplishing good things. God gave us an order to rest and be re-created, as well as to work.
Be blessed today, Laura.
I'm sick this weekend (stomach bug). Am I possibly being emptied in order to be filled?
Hope you get what you need, dear one.
I have 3 children and a full-time job. I am divorced. Lately, when the children go with their dad, I hardly get out of bed. I need this time to be a decent mother and writer.
I am just sitting... but my inner eye read that as I am just, sitting. And my spirit re-read that as I Am, Just; sitting.
A picture of you imitating our Abba Father after days of creation and knowing that there are yet things to do and ages to unfold, but so confident in what He has already released, knowing that the rest is for Him... and the rest will wait but not weight...
I know the way nothing-sitting an fill me up.
Learning to sit a bit while everything else zooms on - that is so necessary at times for my survival - and embracing, forcing moments of nothingness - there is blessing in that if we are courageous enough to do so. I am ready for that snow, too!
I am oh so familiar with that "staring at the blank screen" feeling. Nothing like the ability to take it in, to rest in it, to see the goodness of the nothing, and the rich fullness of the blank screen.
I totally get this. I would love some nothing time. I speak Mon. Tues. and Wed. this week and am in the middle of teaching an 8 week study at our ladies bible study. I am behind because of mission trips, surgery and illness and Christmas visitors and am feeling so overwhelmed, I just sit! I need the whiteness, stillness and melting.
I am remembering a bit today. Looking back on the start of my Playdates...remembering how God in the Yard inspired. Seems like I'm not the only one. Must be something in the air, this need to slow today.
Life can be overwhelming...Silence is rest.
Excellent reminder to build some Sabbath into everyday. The article you shared on daydreaming was fascinating! We are so often driven to be doing something productive or at least doing SOMEthing, we don't even realize what we've lost by never just sitting quiet and chasing daydreams as they canter by.
Peace and quiet is often the best way to hear His voice. Thanks for the beautiful post.
God bless you, Laurie
Just what I needed to be reminded of today, thank you, Laura : ) We just took down our tree {sigh!} so it could be recycled...love that yours is still up...the faintest scent of it lingers which makes me happy.
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