Monday, August 10, 2009

Nothing in Return

Rain on leaf

I was going to write about the scintillating topic of usury, which, simply defined, is about asking for a return on one's money or gifts.

Then I got distracted and went for a walk. It was end-of-day. Mist hung thick after rain. Sweet smells of earth, water, and lilies drifted. My littlest child held a closed black umbrella, and was twirling it by its faux maple handle. "See what I can do?" she asked. Twirling, twirling.

Up ahead, my oldest girl leaned into her daddy's side. Long dark braids swinging, she looked the child she barely is any more. Sky ached pale yellow, pushing back pearl-grey. Pink clouds puffed, moved slow. We passed by the white pines. Needles trembled into our path, sprung with crystals upon crystals capturing day's last light.

I noted the ferns growing through rocks... life, ever tenacious. And us, walking after rain. Walking through fragrance and mist, pines and pale yellow light.

There we were. And there the miracles... gift after gift, strewn in our path, floating overhead. Asking nothing in return.

This post is to welcome InCourage. Note too, High Calling Blogs will end their discussion of The Gift with this week's post; however, for those interested, I think I'm going to keep on. So you can come here for further discussion if you like.

Rain on Leaf photo, by L.L. Barkat.

Laura's Bleeding Heart
High Calling Blogs The Gift: Strings Attached

Baby, You Made My Decade, at Green Inventions
Coming into Wild Roses, at Love Notes to Yahweh

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Blogger Laura said...

This post...a much better read than this chapter on usury!

I may join you in continuing to post on the book. We are just getting to the good part (I think).

This in depth look at the world of the gift has been enlightening (if not laborious at times).

Enough stalling. I need to work on my post on usury...

11:02 AM  
Blogger kirsten said...

thank you for this. gift after gift ... gently given, gratefully received.

11:24 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am only just getting started. I keep wanting to go back to a previous thought though. So many ideas to take in and make a part of my everyday existence...

1:49 PM  
Blogger New Breed of Advertisers said...

Actually, two more weeks of discussion at Though you're right in that this week is the last regular week. Conclusion next Monday and then on to a wrap up. (By the way, I like this post.)

Claire, and you just got your book! :(

5:43 PM  
Anonymous Geotacs said...

what a wonderful picture to a wonderful post!

2:29 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

I love this post. There they are, little every day miracles, if only we have eyes to see.

2:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think we all retain a little of the child we used to be. Thanks for the very peaceful story.

5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're so good at pausing.







Taking it all in.

Pouring it all out.

6:53 PM  

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