Trees Are Blushing "No"

That's the word Linda left out.
She made a pool, a stack, a pile. She fished, sorted, pulled, picked. And pokey got left behind (Are we surprised? Pokey is always fifty steps back, where we're likely to forget about it.)
When I saw the poem Linda made, without pokey, I commented that it would have been quite a different piece if she'd used that word.
It's a wonder, isn't it, how words have personalities?
This week, caught on the parkway, I sat thinking about the word hibernate. After all, winter is coming; trees are blushing "no" and weeping, but winter is coming. The word hibernate is one way to think about the nature of this change...
I like
the word
It is not
a killing word,
a crisis
word a
trauma word.
It is
a tender deep
warm primal
lay me
down to sleep
word, a nestle
into rest
word that
touches darkness,
Photo: Towering Pines at rehab center (yes, we've been spending many hours visiting Grandma since her knee surgery); photo by L.L. Barkat.
HighCallingBlogs Parking-Lot Poetry
Prairie Chick’s Just Breathe
Laura’s Trains
Linda’s A Stroll
Mom2Six’s Brakes
Glynn’s Slowing at the Faulkner Bookhouse
Monica’s Calligraphy Slows
Sarah’s The Dawn
Kelly’s escape
Bina’s Celebration of Slowing
nAncY’s book
Maureen’s Not a Rush
Marcus's The Price of Renewal
Labels: poetry, random acts of poetry, winter poetry, words
So how does one get in on these lovely writing sessions? I know you contacted me a bit about Mary, but I think my post went up after you were finished...
Talk to me, my friend! :)
PS - your words always leave me in awe, wanting to push mine a little harder to paint an even better picture. Thanks for taking the make me smile, as always.
Am sorry to use up your comment space with this, but don't know how else to get you :)
Do I do as Linda did...make up my own words...or are they assigned? I know, I know...I think I missed something along the way that explains it all :)
Patience, my friend, with me...
Here's my just-written contribution:
Finally...a REAL comment...I know your heart is smiling and thinking how cute I am...and if it wasn't, it is now! :)
My contribution, fresh off the presses:
Many hugs to you!
"The trees are blushing." Love that. That's what trees do in the fall.
I think "pokey" dates me a little bit L.L. :-)
After I read your comment I kept trying to think of a way to incorporate that word from my childhood into a poem. Perhaps another day.
I like the word hibernate too. Right now I wish I could just crawl into a little space for just a little while a shut out all the cares of life. I know the Father didn't mean for us to live that way, but I am feeling a bit weary in spirit these days.
We have spent many hours at a rehab center too (actually it is also a nursing home and filled with such dear sad people). We think perhaps just one more week. My Dad is doing lots better :-)
I pray your grandmother does well too.
I love your hibernate poem. Actually, I am quite taken with all your poems and writings. You bless.
Linda, thanks for your well wishes. I guess I should qualify... it's my kids' grandma. Funny how we fall into calling each other the names our kids call people. :) So, it's actually my mom-in-law.
Now that I have stilled my crazed desire to be involved (...which really stems from my LOVE of prompts...I enjoy seeing where my mind can go...) I would like to add these points:
1 - Linda ~ I also enjoy the word "pokey" makes me smile.
2 - L.L. ~ This line got me to stop and re-read a couple of times: "It is a tender deep warm primal lay me down to sleep word."
Last comment...I promise.
:) Bina
just squeaking in by the hair on my chinny, chin, chin... =D
"word that
touches darkness,
Phrase that touches me deeply, your words always do. I agree with Bina, "Thanks for taking the time."
You have made me hungry to re-explore my poet side. I haven't done so for years!
How wonderful to have discovered you and all the blessed and talented poets who frequent here
hi l.l. :-)
well, it's only 9:00 pm my time so maybe it counts as not being late.
guess i'm just a little pokey.
"touches darkness unafraid"
It is against the beauty of the dark that the light seems most magnificent.
Just wanted to express how I am quietly thrilled at how your words can TOTALLY make my day (speaking also of today's Parking-Lot Poetry at HCB).
Oh, if only I could embrace winter with the same contented, restful spirit...
Your rhythm and line breaks paced the reading.
You slowed me down and made me pause.
I will try to reach toward the darkness of winter with less dread.
I will try to think: "hibernate."
I am such an amateur poet, but even I can see this poem breathes. Absolutely incredible. An instant favorite.
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