Writing from Darkness

We are writing monster poems. Does that seem strange? I want to try my hand at it. Not easy. Here's my first and maybe I'll add more if I can find more...
Loch Ness
Sometimes on quiet mornings,
when a wooden boat carries red-haired boys,
passes over me— bottom shadow gliding—
I raise my head like a mutant swan, black,
a loon weeping, a winter-weary bird
seeking warmer air. I reach algae-eaten face,
red eyes, to stars invisible by dawn, whisper
that I understand what it is to desire
a constellation that would not assume
I prefer to live in darkness.
Sara's The Visit
LL Self-Portrait photo, by L.L. Barkat. :)
Labels: high calling blogs, monster-poetry, random acts of poetry
lovely, the melancholy of it. But that photo is seriously scary!
How lovely are these lines: "whisper /... darkness."
The sadness is so tender, especially as it reaches the image of the "algae-eaten face, red eyes, to stars invisible by dawn". Strong visuals here.
I couldn't look too long at that image but I'll be sure to let you know if I have nightmares tonight.
liking the monster theme - interesting
was great meeting you at Mt. Hermon hope all is well
you can find me at http://moondustwriter.com
Love Loch Ness. I wrote about something a little closer to home.
L.L. re Your comment on my blog: I was just messing/playing off Sarah's remark here... or mostly. The hands thing, the bed, the mirror. Noir on noir.
and the thing is we're all monsters in our own right at times, so all of us can relate a little bit.
Niseag of the deep
grey blue dawn
why do you hide so?
I feel so sorry for the poor monster. Wonderful job Laura. I'm a little stumped on this one, but I'll give it some thought. I can remember, as a little girl, taking a running leap into my bed so the "monsters" hiding underneath couldn't grab my feet! Then I would bravely peer under the bed from my safe perch. I have no idea what I would have done if I actually saw something under there.
i like the part about red-headed boys ;). Both my guys had a preoccupation with Nessie, but the red-headed one the least. Now the youngest--Nessie's biggest fan--has a business in his classroom called "Creatures, Inc." He takes orders from his classmates and draws the creature they describe. Perhaps I should write on one of his creations.
*laughs* Ah, Nessie, a beloved creature who I prefer to believe exists, even if he's moved house.
And here's my contribution to the monster theme. http://phoenix-karenee.blogspot.com/2010/04/fear-rap.html
Very cool!
... but a tad scary on the image side! :)
There's an empty human being
Stripped of any kind of love
Self is somewhere long forgotten
Covered in a leaden glove
Rather like a walking zombie
Plugged into a fallen world
Gets its orders from the airwaves
Hate and loathing are unfurled.
God is someone who's uncaring
Seems a million miles away
Can't be reached by helpless whimpers
Surely, He has had His day
Marching into unknown future
Like a lemming on a cliff
There is nothing that can save it
There is no such word as if.
These are people we must shine on
Let them see there is a hope
Hell can only be an option
If we show them how to cope
With a God who truly loves them
Wants to fill them with His Son
We're His vessels, His disciples
For the harvest, we're the ones.
This is my kind of poetry.
Here's mine, just posted: "A Monster's Love":
Oooh... here is mine!!
I'm just getting into this monster thing.
Regardless of subject , your poetry is awe inspiring.
I'm going to read more of these , try to see if this is something I can try. I was seriously terrified of Mr. Potato Head as a child, maybe this is an angle.
i can see the neck of the swan as it arches.
i have written one for the prompt but it will only publish on friday morning 10 am ireland time.
it is called: 4 bricks under a bed
so if you just link to www.claireburge.com it should be ok.
thanks again for helping me to push limits with myself and thoughts i cling to.
here's my monster ditty:
i'm feeling very high drama after this. so fun, though!
yes, "mutant swan"! he's not alone.
it did take some work trying a monster poem. makes we want to try some more. it only came to me after being stirred from an outside source...
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