The Poetry of Pie

I have always preferred pie to other desserts, especially on my birthday.
Perhaps I agree with Ken Haedrich. In Pie: 300 Tried-and-True Recipes for Delicious Homemade Pie, Haedrich says...
To me, pie is poetry that makes the world a better place. Oh yes.
But poetry is also sometimes pie. Like last week at TweetSpeak's poetry party. Here are a few slices for you from my personal 140-character pie plate... :)
Listen, Lover Boy,
to the mourners
while we eat milk pie
and turn our sheets
to the night
And mourners need
floured hands,
ghosting lost pleasures
Make mine apple,
make yours mincemeat;
I will put them
near each other
on the maple table
Is there such a thing
as disposable sexy pie?
Does it come in aluminum, flimsy?
I have upended pies
and brothers of pies
and sisters of pies
in search of my grandmother's
last touch
give me a cherry pie,
I am in need of
a sweet and sour
red night

Pie photos by L.L. Barkat.
This post is in honor of's Twitter Pie Party, tonight. (Add your pie post link here.) It is also for One Shot Wednesday.
Labels: One Stop Poetry,, Twitter poetry
love the photos. thank you for inviting us into your kitchen!
There is nothing in the world like lemon icebox pie like my mother used to make it. Except for her mince meat pie.
Cherry's my favorite. The pie Glynn mentions sounds yummy, too.
Sexy pie? Sure, why not. I'm just getting back from Nantucket.
so fun! i love this: ghosting lost pleasures. great one shot.
hmmm - i'm getting hungry..
thanks as well for inviting us into your kitchen - what a great place to be!
The pie looks tasty. Wish I had a fork!
There were a few years growing up that I had apple pie for birthday cake, candle in the middle and all :)
on one level this was a reminiscnece of grandmothers touch then a playful romanticism...make mine fruit of some sort...does much more for me thatn chocolate...nice one shot!
Love me some chicken pot pie, along with seconds of cherry pie. Delicious One Shot!
This comment belongs on the post below, "On, In, and Around Mondays."
Does the link for posting stop working when you put up a new piece?
I added a link to my site for "Oh, In, and Around Mondays." But it doesn't go to the right place on my site. I originally copied the url line to MS Word. That one links properly to your invitational. But when I copied the same url to take you to my website, it fails to work. Conversely, the link on my site to Barkat's, works under "view my post", but not in the public generic viewing. I don't know why.
You can see "Looking for a Place to Hang my Heart" (that is, I hope so) at:
Thanksgiving Pumpkin pie almost here...with Mount Everest whipped cream avalanching down the sides!
Now that's a poetry slam!
Made me feel warm, thanks!
Who can resist the sugar and spice of Autumn, baked in colors of russet and gold, and topped with billowy whipped cream? Is it Thanksgiving yet?
Ah, the sensuality of pie. My reasons for loving pie over cake have been discovered by another! Kindred pie spirits.
um. pie.
Never did understand the twitter party, but I do understand pie crust and perfect filling
Anything pie-related usually catches my attention. (I bake a pretty good apple pie myself!)
A tasty One Stop!
Love me some pie! :O)
This was fun. Cherry is my favourite too... that or Apple crisp. Love and Light, Sender
give me a share please.
You did make the pie! I am impressed. I want to see a photo of it cut and oozing. Oh, and I seriously need to eat pie NOW.
Ah, pie day, my favourite of days. :)
give me a cherry pie,
I am in need of
a sweet and sour
red night
Love it, awesome poem.
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