Monday, November 15, 2010

On, In and Around Mondays: About a Girl

Girl in the Street

There is something about a girl.

Girl in the Orange Coat 1

Mine is in her new orange coat. She is chattering about how the rosettes have buttons behind them, how she feels so warm, how the coat comes down past her knees, and isn't it just perfect to go with the sunset.

Girl in the Orange Coat 3

My Eldest and I are enchanted. We follow our orange-coat girl around with our cameras. Taking pictures of her just being her.

Girl in the Orange Coat 2

Maybe we think of girls as God's afterthought. Yes, I think we sometimes do. As if the arrangement of Genesis was making some kind of statement about God's care for girls. Or their relative importance.

Girl in the Orange Coat 4

My girl, in her new orange coat, is not an afterthought. She is the only thought you can possibly manage for the whole time you walk around at sunset time. She is the crown of the day, the seal on our hearts. And it seems to me God must think so too.

Girl in the Orange Coat 5


On, In and Around Mondays (which partly means you can post any day and still add a link) is an invitation to write from where you are. Tell us what is on, in, around (over, under, near, by...) you. Feel free to write any which way... compose a tight poem or just ramble for a few paragraphs. But we should feel a sense of place.

Would you like to try? Write something 'in place' and add your link below.

If you could kindly link back here when you post, it will create a central meeting place. :)

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Blogger David Rupert said...

She's "not an afterthought. She is the only thought you can possibly manage"

So many children today are babysat by the TV or left to roam for themselves. They just want to be loved by mom, by a dad and to feel safe.

Love you photo montage!

8:04 AM  
Blogger Maureen said...

She's a found poem.

I love what you write about girls not be an afterthought.

8:26 AM  
Anonymous Monica Sharman said...

I was enchanted, too, also wanting to follow her around with a camera. That coat. The way she talks of its warmth reminds me of my own lack of a coat in junior high.

You do amazing things with these Mondays.

9:36 AM  
Blogger Misha said...

I've been thinking about that orange coat since you wrote that poem. "She's not an afterthought."

Hearing your words about her - and serendipitously writing about mine today, too - gives me courage for all the beauty still to come.

Love these words.

11:22 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Lovely grace, so intensely beautiful in receiving. I'm glad you have eyes to see and the willingness to share so we also may appreciate grace with you. Isn't it amazing? A daughter receives grace in a gift, lives grace in appreciation, gives grace in relationship, shares grace through effect ... it moves outward like ripples, and who knows how far this beauty may reach?

11:59 AM  
Anonymous sarah said...

I read once that women were not an afterthought by God, they were the pinnacle of Creation. After women, he finished.

12:28 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

I love her new coat, and her beautiful hair, and her thankful heart.
No afterthoughts in God's scheme of things - just precious thoughts.

2:50 PM  
Anonymous Ann Kroeker said...

Well, doggone it. Now I want a new coat.


No, what I want is to see that girl in *her* new coat.

Thanks to "On, In and Around Mondays," I have that privilege and joy. Thanks for sharing her with us.

3:45 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

In the Dark is s scary place to be...

5:04 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

I've written a couple of things lately about women/wives...Here's one with (what I hope is) a provocative title: Do You Think Your Wife is Stupid?

As you say, girls/women are not an afterthought! They are a "fellow heir of the grace of life..."

5:15 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

Sigh. No girls for me. I did want to try. But hubs said,"You know we'll just keep having boys." Maybe. I wouldn't trade my boys for the world. But your sunset girl...well, she makes me dream about maybes.

10:17 PM  
Blogger Joelle said...

Love this! And adore the coat. My Peter likes orange. And indeed, the sunset doesn't hold a candle to our loved-ones wearing rich, warm color.

10:49 PM  
Anonymous Sandra Heska King said...

"She is the crown of the day, the seal on our hearts."

This tugged at my heart. She is a masterpiece!

I want an orange coat.

12:11 AM  
Anonymous HisFireFly said...

Not an afterthought at all..

Beautiful, simply beautiful.

Tryig to leave my link, but it seems to want to hide..

I'll try again, but here I am today:

10:34 AM  
Blogger SimplyDarlene said...

I met a eastern girl in college who (erroneously) insisted that puppies need to wear underwear, that babies nursing at their mamma's breast is archaic and weird, and that the only color in closets of women on the east coast is black. I reckon she was wrong 'bout most everything in this list.

What a beautiful picture you painted here, miss L.L.


12:50 PM  
Blogger Bonnie said...

OH Laura, I loved that and read is twice. You see I have only one daughter who has 4 older brothers. We just looked at a RED coat to get, so this post was dear to me . Warmed my heart down to my soul.
Enjoy your girls.

8:20 PM  
Blogger Melissa Campbell said...

I think God is more captivated with His girls than we give Him credit, otherwise we wouldn't feel the way we do about ours. What a lovely Poema--your daughter and your poem. Blessings.

5:14 PM  
Blogger Eve said...

Hmm, afterthought? I think of girls as God's "pièce de résistance". Translated into English literally as "piece of resistance", referring to the best part or feature of something, a showpiece, or highlight. It can be thought of as the portion of a creation which defies orthodox or common conventions and practices, thereby making the whole of the creation unique and special. In this light God had to create the man first, do you see?

5:32 PM  

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