Ready for an Onion Date

How to stay creative?
There are so many answers.
I like Julia Cameron's idea. The Artist's Date.
Yet my life doesn't easily accommodate such goings-on. I have two girls who I home-educate. I take care of my house (okay, I try :) — mowing, clipping, cleaning. I work as a writer and manager.
When would I possibly plan a date? It's hard.
Thus, my boy-scouts (girl scouts?) approach: always be prepared. There are dates lurking around unexpected corners, if only we are ready for them.
On Saturday, for instance, I ended up needing to take my daughter to a friend's house, far away. Spur-of-the-moment sleepover invitation. I had meant to spend the morning writing, but suddenly...
I saw my chance.
Camera, notebook, Luci Shaw. Into the bag. Water bottle, tissues, and banana muffin (in case I needed a survival kit)— also into the bag. And Lady Gaga, of all people: into the bag. Her music inspires me, despite that her risque lyrics, triangle hair and dresses are... what shall we say... creative.
Gaga in the speakers, the hours before me, I made a date with the day. I stopped on the side of the road to capture a little cottage.

I found a barn full of antiques and... corn, squash, onions, tomatoes.

As part of my survival plan, I stopped at a park that has a bathroom with running water and a brass lock on the door. Along the way to tile floors and paper towels, I found pinecones new-minted, red leaves flaming against blue skies, and bare-faced wildflowers that Lady Gaga could never rival with plastic or pop. On the way home, I did, however, turn up the music and dream.

The creative life doesn't hand itself to us. We hand ourselves to it. One creative date at a time.

Wordle by Sonia. Used with permission.
Labels: creativity, Julia Cameron
I like your approach. Creativity doesnt have to come at planned times. In fact, that sentence really is a contrast of ideals. Creativity should be spontaneous, and thus the time that launches it should be spontaneous.
Of course, we need to manage our life. But sometimes, when life gets in the way, creativity sprouts out of nowhere.
Beautifully written post.
There are so many wonderful roads to explore in your neck of the woods, as I learned during my four years in Poughkeepsie.
Don't you just love those pine pods?
I have been known to do a little happy dance when life unexpectedly hands me a "day off." You made such wise use of yours L.L. What joy!
the cottage and flowers...such a pretty sight.
I am driving 8 hours to NC tomorrow. With the kids, it would be awful, but I'm going alone. And driving alone de-stresses me. I can listen to music. I can sing. I can pray. I can think. I can rest. 8 hours there; 8 hours back.
Your date is inspiring mine. I love this.
A wordle?
I love it, especially the balloons.
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