Salt Tag

Tagged again. And, again, I'll put my own twist on it. (Just a little salt, okay?)
Al Hsu is talking about doing something meaningful with $100. One could say he's asking us to be the salt of the season the difficult places with love and compassion.
The question is what would you do with $100, if you could. Especially if you could team it up with other people's $100?
I would try to get a local dry cleaner to change over to wet cleaning (I've heard that these mom-and-pop shops don't always have the money to make such big changes).
Dry cleaning is so highly toxic...for the air we breathe, for the people who wear the clothes on which the chemicals persist. This is an issue that affects both rich and poor, though they don't often know it. And, oddly enough, it affects the poor because of location (more urban... air emissions) and the rich because of privilege (they are the ones wearing the dry-cleaned clothes.)
Yeah, I know. Maybe it would seem more vital if I bought 100 cups of soup for 100 poor people. I guess this is where we see how individual passions get us working on all aspects of life, each important in its own way.
Photo of watercolor with salt, by L.L. Barkat. Based on a little assignment from SoulPerSuit
Salt of the Sky (on my other blog)
Ode to Ironing