Memes. I've always had mixed feelings about them. But right from the start I've always
participated (okay, unless I forget, which I sometimes do... sorry to anyone whose meme I've forgotten to follow up on!)
Which brings me to this. I never thought I'd actually CREATE a meme. Well. I was thinking about all the ways blogging has changed my life, for better or worse, and I thought how I'd love to share these things with you... and have you share your blogging stories with me and others in the blogosphere.
Anyone who has followed
Seedlings for any length of time knows: I'm not much for following meme rules. So it feels odd to create a few of my own— which, of course, you can feel free to break... maybe even SHOULD break, in honor of my informal meme-breaking policy.
Here are the rules:
1. Write about
5 specific ways blogging has affected you, either positively or negatively.
2. link back to the person who tagged you
3. link back to this
parent post (
I'm not so much interested in generating links, but rather in tracking the meme so I can perhaps do a summary post later on that looks at patterns and interesting discoveries.)
4. tag a few friends or five, or none at all
5. post these rules— or just have fun breaking them
Now for the
10 ways blogging has changed my life ...
1. Through blogging, I met author
Scot McKnight, who changed my thoughts on
how and when to develop book ideas. Consequently, I started developing my second book,
God in the Yard, far before I considered seeking a contract.
2. My very
first published article was about blogging. I couldn't have written it without being a blogger.
3. I met
Marcus Goodyear through blogging. Now I write for his organization and participate in
High Calling Blogs.
4. Because I met Marcus, I later met
Lauren Winner at a retreat at Laity Lodge (I knew Lauren by email for three years but had never gone in a paddle boat with her, which I did at Laity Lodge.) I wouldn't have gone to Laity Lodge if I hadn't been working on a logo for The High Calling's
Win a Free Retreat blogging project.
Andrea once blogged about Sabbath in such a convincing way that I changed the way I practice Sabbath. Now I often take a nap, I don't work, and I don't blog or check email on the Sabbath.
6. At one point, I blogged far too much. It was the first time in my life I understood, in even a vague way, the anatomy of addiction. Practicing a technology Sabbath on Sundays has been key to reorienting me at least once a week. And if you've been with me for a while, you probably see that I blog far less than I used to (sorry this means I visit you less!). As a bonus, I'm far more compassionate towards people with addictions. I just bought Mays' book
Addiction and Grace, and I trust this will give me further insight into an issue I never cared much about in the past.
Christianne, who I met through blogging and later met face-to-face in Florida, taught me a few things about the
heart. And about being
grace-filled. In some ways, this converges nicely with what I mentioned in number 6.
8. Though I met
Charity Singleton at the Calvin Festival of Faith and Writing, it was through blogging that I solidified my relationship with her. And eventually, when she was diagnosed with cancer, I was able to assist her a little bit,
emotionally and
financially. In return, she has unwittingly ministered to me, giving me a sense of immediacy and depth concerning each day's gifts.
Sara enchanted me with her commitment to
The Compact. My Visa bill has trimmed considerably.
Okay, for better or worse, I tag...
ChristianneAnn KroekerA Musing MomCallapidder DaysJim MartinBrandon SatromSpaghettipieJennifer at SnapshotKirstenCraverJoyTed GossardOops. I broke my own tagging rules. ;-) That's neither a few, nor is it five, nor none at all.
Brooklyn to London photo, by L.L. Barkat. (Very cool. There was this contraption down near the Brooklyn Bridge, where you could stand and see people in London and you could wave at each other, as if you were standing face to face with only a bit of glass between you. I had an ice cream cone and the people in London started licking the air, begging for a bit of my cone.)
Ted's book club post:
Climbing: JusticeNEW LINKS TO THIS POST:
House of Lime's
Friday 55 Da Count in Meme Form, Scot McKnight's
Weekly Meanderings, Reading to Know's
Tag, I'm It!, God-Writing's
My Blogging Habits are Causing a Stir, Susan's
Double Tagged, Arlene's
How Blogging Has Changed Me, Nancy's
For Better For Worse: Ahhhhhh!, Susanne's
A Blogging Meme, Matt's
5 Ways Blogging Has Changed My Life, Kim's
Mini Blog Celebration, Crow's
I've Been Tagged, Brother Maynard's
5 Ways Blogging Has Changed My Life, Lisa's
Blogging: For Better for Worse, Ellen's
I've Been Tagged, Dawn's
Tagged!, JD's
Five Ways Blogging Has Changed My Life, The Upward Call's
Because I Love to Blog About Writing, Becca's
I've Been Tagged, Minutes to Memories
Today's Assignment, Wendy's
Five Ways Blogging Has Changed My Life, Futurist Guy's
Five Ways Blogging Has Changed My Life, Lara's Grand Prize Meme Rule Breaker
Blogging and Me Meme, Suey's
Ways Blogging Has Affected Me (love the cartoon over on this one!), Ronnica's
The Affect of Blogging, Mama Blogs A lot's
It's a Meme: Just Do It, Tykerman's
I've Been Tagged, Kathy's
Blog-Tag-Fun, Tulsi's
A Tag that is Not a Tag, Lisa's
Blogging Meme, Spaghettipie's
For Better or Worse, Dianna's
I Was Tagged by Lara, Jill's
Five Ways Blogging Has Changed My Life, Louise's
Five Ways Blogging Has Affected Me, Jill again : )
5 Ways Blogging Has Changed My Life, Allan's
For Better, For Worse: Five Ways Blogging Changed My Life, Tony's
I've Been Tagged, Rev J's
5 Ways Blogging Has Changed My Life, Mel's
Awards, Giveaways and Memes Oh My, Frank's
5 Ways Blogging Has Changed My Life, John's
5 Ways Blogging Has Channged My Life, Will's
Tagged: 5 Ways Blogging Has Changed My Life, Nick's
Five Ways Blogging Has Changed My Life, Ann Kroeker's
Monday's Meme-ish Musings, Liz's
Blogging and Its Effects, Keith's
For Better, For Worse: 5 Ways Blogging Changed My Life, Kirsten's
2 Memes: 4 Things and 5 Ways, Natural Systah's
I've Been Tagged, Every Square Inch's
How Blogging Has Changed My Life, Kelly's
Memed Again, Gnome's
Five Ways Blogging Has Changed My Life, Henry's
Tagged: But I Can Break the Rules, Trish's
Why I Blog Meme, Bruce's
For Better, For Worse: 5 Ways Blogging Changed My Life (including zombie advice!), Craig's mildly cheeky
Blogging Hasn't Changed My Life, Birthday's
5 Ways Blogging Has Changed My Life, Eddie's
I Am Eddie and Blogging Has Changed My Life, Kim's
Memage, Katie's
Five Ways Blogging Has Changed My Life, Nora's
Blog Tag, Kelly's
Blog Tag, Bellezza's
Books and Photography and Blogging, Oh My!, Ben's
How Blogging Has Tweaked My Life?, Lynet's
Five Ways Blogging Changed My Life, The Chaplain's
Blogging Meme, Billy's
The Blogging Meme, Ordinary Girl's
Five Ways Blogging Has Changed Me, Gabe's
5 Ways Blogging Has Changed My Life, Tina's
5 Ways Blogging Has Changed Me, Erik's
Blog Tag, Anna's
5 Ways Blogging is Changing, Affecting, Uplifting, destroying, corrupting, and encouraging my life..., Jandy's
Blogging is Life-Changing, Tommy's
Meme: Five Ways Blogging Has Changed MeLabels: blogging, community, meme