Butterflies and Parties

When you see something like a snow-white butterfly tree, it stays with you. Or it can. Taking things down in pastel is one way I've begun keeping startling visual experiences. Setting them into poems is another...
"On Belleview Avenue"
Serpentine tree,
Japanese, I suspect,
as in split maple, as in
it takes a hundred years to
snake these arms to such breadth;
anyway, it seems everything
must have been leading to this juncture—
droughts, floods, springs coming
too late and winters too early,
everything conspired towards this:
snow, like white butterflies, laid
over old curves, dead leaves, intersections,
now ready to soft wing
the empty night.
Being on-line has brought my poetic side to life; writing poems is something I seem to do better in Community. That's the way my other kinds of writing work too. So why did I think poetry should be any different?
One of my absolute favorite ways of writing poetry in Community has begun to happen on Twitter. About every other week, we have hour-long parties hosted by tspoetry. Wild things happen— things I'm grateful for, as they open my creativity.
Though many people stop by the Twitter parties (sometimes accidentally, sometimes as the result of a friendly kidnapping (sorry Bonnie!)), there are a few "regulars" I've come to count on as the life of the parties...
— sweet-spirited Monica who, as I recall, started a blog just so she could participate in Random Acts of Poetry at HighCallingBlogs and who now surprises me with her brief, incisive poems on Twitter
— thoughtful and artistic Kelly (you MUST check out her awesome photography)
— art-loving Maureen, whose poems rarely fail to silence me (particularly the ones she writes on-the-spot at our parties... she's got a gift for quick thinking!)
— delightfully amusing when she's not being deep or making wine nAncY (oh, and her art spans the whimsical to the beautifully arresting)
— speech-writing businessman Glynn, who began writing poetry seriously for the first time this summer (and his poetry is really growing... what joy!)
Thanks, Twitter-Poet Friends, for sharing your lives and words with me. I'm delighted to celebrate you during our 12 Days of Community...

Snowy Forest art by Gail Nadeau. Used with permission.
1. Mary's Advent
2. Laura in the Moss
3. Social Media Guys
4. Snow-White Butterfly Tree
5. Butterflies and Parties (this post)
Kelly’s Un-Conversation
Monica’s White and Made Known to Me
Maureen’s A Three-Part Christmas Story and Art Lecture 101
Cindy’s In the purifying flames…
Fred’s The Past Presents the Future
Glynn’s Shadows of Dawn, Like Smoke
Diane Walker’s It was an offensive apology (scroll down in the comment box at Seedlings)
Erica's Heat
Labels: 12 Days of Community, high calling blogs, random acts of poetry
"One of my absolute favorite ways of writing poetry in Community has begun to happen on Twitter. "
Thanks for the abduction -- a wonderful surprise. It was so fun - I would've never knew. Keep up the fly by party invites to bring in others into the warmth!
This poem is sweet, leaves me feeling like the tree caught in late springs and early winters!!
I also enjoy the community. Others inspire me, and lift my spirit.
yours is one of my favorites.
On the street where you live
you shake out words
as your maple its leaves
on fall's last day.
Sticky with feeling
the words hold fast,
like just enough glue
dabbed here and there
to keep in place
the picture you paint
with syllables and fonts
and lots of white space
where you honor us.
How happy I am to stop by!
I love the poignant picture and beautiful poem. The twitter community sounds like fun, but I am one who seems to have to sit quietly and agonize over the words.
Last night I read:
"The word poet means maker. God, the first maker, was also the first poet, and it is he who sets His seal of approval no tonly on creating but on expressing truths in imagery."
("Honey For A Woman's Heart" Gladys Hunt)
And I thought of you.
Beautiful frosty fantasy ...
The snow white butterflies of the poem match the snow whiteness of the art. Oh boy, this is beautiful.
"It seems everything
must have been leading to this juncture"
That's just how I feel---about poetry, and this community.
Breathing a sigh of contentment and amazement.
My contribution to this week's Random Act of Poetry: http://faithfictionfriends.blogspot.com/2009/12/fifth-day-of-christmas-nancy-rosback.html
You guys Rock!
Always fun to watch what you guys are up to... Maybe one day I'll sync up with your twitter timing and throw in a few lines.
I tried to hop in during the party but realized I didn't understand the topic so popped right back out. Will try and be more of an asset next time :-) lol
may I say that this poem is just so everything.
You ... soft winged.
and thank you for the touch this morning. I was and am unnerved by myself.
L, I totally don't have time to thank you for the mention here - we're out the door for a car issue in just a minute. You're so sweet and encouraging to me. I feel like a fledgling poet, and you build me up so often! I really appreciate you!
Also, here is my RAP post for the week too - coming in at the last minute, as usual. ;-)
May I post this poem on my blog, celebrating pogo nip (freezing fog)?
My RAP contribution: Art Lecture 101
This week's RAP here:
I came across this young woman's {child really} blog today and wondered if you would mind checking it out and possibly giving her a mention. She is 14 and dealing with cancer. You seem to have a large readership with lots of potential pray-ers and encouragement for her. http://hopescancerdiary.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the post. Very beautiful
"It was an offensive apology"
She accused him of something
he hadn't done;
a game he hadn't played --
he'd only asked for a moment to recover
(from the blood he couldn't staunch,
from the pain he couldn't heal)
but she wanted him NOW,
and in a fit of pique
she drove away,
leaving him to celebrate her birthday
alone with the presents he'd been trying to finish
while coping with his grief.
The best defense, he thought,
is a good offense,
and so he told me later
about his offensive apology:
I'm sorry,
he said;
sorry to have allowed
the pain of my patient
the rhythms of my life,
the time I spent wrapping your presents
and turning your cheap champagne
into a drink that we both could enjoy,
to keep me from solving your computer problem.
What was I thinking?
She found his apology
I'm trying to teach him to say Thank You
instead of I'm sorry.
Diane, so glad you joined us! Love your contribution (but you know I like your poetry). ~ Maureen
I have never seen one...butterfly tree. The leaves look like feathers. So wispy with beauty.
The poem too.
Good grief. Serves me right for leaving my poet-brain behind before coming over here. Of course that is snow.
And it's beautiful.
I just found time to read through your poem. Three times. I just love the pacing. The whimsical clarifications leading up to the happy smile at the end, you know, the smile that makes you want to spin your way down the avenue and catch the "butterflies."
OH! I miss the snow!!!
LL, beautiful words and the photo is absolutely captivating! I'm late, but I wrote something this week too...funny, I had the heat of the desert on my mind in the midst of all this snow!
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