Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Giving Away a Beginning

star leaf

This is the time when I begin to feel wordless.

After all, how can I *really say* what Christmas is? How can I express the excitement of a fresh year just around the corner?

So instead I point you to a tentative star. Captured by my Little One's camera. (Doesn't that maple leaf look like a star? :) .

And I offer you some inspiration for your own word journeys: The Soul Tells A Story: Engaging Creativity With Spirituality In The Writing Life is one of my absolute favorite writing books. I've read it three times.

Comment here by 11:00 pm EST, January 1, 2010, for a chance to receive a copy.

If you like, join in with our "Beginnings" writing project too. You can either write a vignette about "beginnings" or try out the HighCallingBlogs poetry writing prompt: Choose a New Year word like “resolve”, “resolution”, “dream” or one you think up and begin, middle, or end a poem with it. Drop your post link in this comment box by Wednesday, December 30, for link and possible feature at HighCallingBlogs. (If you don't make the deadline, why, it would still be nice to have you share your post with us. Drop your link here or over at Friday's poetry post at HCB.)

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Maple Leaf photo, by Sonia B. Used with permission.

LL's The Weather at Christmas
Glynn's Begins
LInda's Dream
Melissa's hushed
Mom2Six's Quietly Slips In
Sarah's Trying to Start
Maureen's Making New Year's Resolutions
A Simple Country Girl's Once Was Smooth
Monica’s Countdown
Joanne's The Brave New
Claire's Could I Bloom
nancy's december
Louise's Time Passing
Karen's Taste
Diane's Our New Year's Baby
Katdish's Renovation
Erica's Dandelion
Erin's Begin
Laura's To Begin the Begin
Kim's The Backward Glance
Eric's To Begin

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Blogger travelmom said...

Sounds like a wonderful book - I will comment and cross my fingers.

Have a blessed Christmas!

6:37 PM  
Blogger S. Etole said...

There is another book on my list now ... the New Year holds much. Embracing the joy of the manger.

7:06 PM  
Anonymous Maureen said...

A lovely way to end one year and begin another. I'll be back.

7:06 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

It does sound like a wonderful book! I would love to write a poem. I will have to see. Our kids and grands are arriving on the 28th - so things will be picking up around here. I can't wait.
Meanwhile...Have the most blessed of Christmases L.L. I am so happy to have met you. Your excellence challenges and delights me. I would like to sit at your feet in the coming year and just soak it all in.

8:30 PM  
Blogger Jennifer BB said...

What a delight to discover your blog. This book sounds wonderful--glad to have a chance at it.

9:16 PM  
Anonymous Candie said...

If you read it three times it must be a great find...thanks for sharing!

10:50 PM  
Blogger TAMI said...

"Tentative star" is a fantastic title for your little one's photo!

11:30 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Feeling wordless myself - maybe the book would help. Hope you have a wonderful CHRISTmas with your family! Thanks for all your encouragement this year!

8:42 AM  
Blogger Wendy Paine Miller said...

Sounds like my kind of book. Matter of fact, this is my kind of blog. Good to be here.
~ Wendy

9:24 AM  
Blogger Robin Arnold said...

I'm resolving to make myself smarter about writing, and I'm going to learn to knit socks. Notably these are personal resolutions having nothing to do with professional/work. This is a first. I'm turning over a new

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Doug Young said...

I really want to work on my writing. You want to help? We could call it "trudging."

10:08 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

A wonderful idea to ring in the new year! Some ideas "beginning"...

10:49 AM  
Anonymous Ted M. Gossard said...

Merry Christmas to you as well, L.L. And a blessed, happy new year! I look forward to having and reading your new book of poetry.

10:56 AM  
Blogger Marcus Goodyear said...

Fun! My favorite writing book is The Writing Life by Annie Dillard.

Merry Christmas!

2:44 PM  
Anonymous Bradley j moore said...

Count me in, as my business writing can get kind of dry after a while ... Right?

4:15 PM  
Blogger Jessie Carty said...

love that picture!

5:10 PM  
Blogger Far Above Rubies said...

Sounds like a great book. I was never schooled in writing, but love practicing on my blogs.

I would love help in any form. You've read the book three times, so that says a lot for it.

I'm hoping....

Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

P.S. Love your little one's photo.

9:55 PM  
Blogger Glynn said...

Merry Christmas, Laura to you and your family. A year ago, I hadn't met Stone Crossings -- and how I've been blessed! (And check out Laura Boggess's Christmas Feast post!)

12:48 PM  
Anonymous Melissa D. (Joan's granddaughter) said...

Hi Mrs. Barkat! Remember me? It's been a long time, but while visiting in TN again, Papa Bob lent me your new poetry book to read. I really enjoyed it!

The book you mentioned in this post sounds great! I hope someday I'll be able to read it. :)

4:55 PM  
Blogger Angela said...

Merry Christmas!

Thanks for the giveaway. It sounds like my kind of book.

7:11 PM  
Blogger FaithBarista Bonnie said...

Merry Christmas! I came by to drop my Christmas wishes and here, I find a highly recommended writing book by you! Beginnings is definitely a rich and ripened writing prompt... Let me go and pick some words.. and be back. Nonetheless, congratulations on a wonderful year of poetry and publication. May God bless your words and the hearts that read them.

11:21 PM  
Blogger Bonnie said...

I just finished YOUR poetry book that came today. Amen. Amen.
A present on the day after Christmas. Very significant.
The poems are simmering . I told my daughter (12) should sit outside like you did with our journals. You may start a trend!

That looks like a wonderful book . Never heard of it.

6:26 PM  
Blogger Glynn said...

New poem posted.

7:16 AM  
Blogger Bought as is said...

The book looks good. Seems appropriate to my life right now. [as I am trying to write my life story. A feat I've never done, in any way]

8:49 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

I have posted my poem for the poetry prompt. Thanks for doing this L.L.!

9:27 PM  
Blogger Sharon Goemaere said...

I have this book and have enjoyed what I have read of it so far.:)Just popping in to wish you a belated Merry Christmas LL.Blessings~Sharon:)

11:17 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, thought I commented here, but now that I think about it, think it was at Love Notes to Yahweh. Definitely share the feeling of not quite having the words for Christmas, but this morning a scant handful of words came, and looking at them I realized they were a beginning, so I have brought you the link here:

So though I was thinking of writing a beginning poem, apart from this one, I think this one is it. Thank you, and a thank you to seeds. I believe I found you the first time when garden wandering. A seed growing through stone, or the wearing away of stone was a theme that played in my head a lot so I have returned again and again. Blessings.

12:42 PM  
Blogger terry timm said...

thanks for the heads up on the book - i would love a free copy!

8:07 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

Okay. Finally finished mine!

Here's to New Beginnings!

8:58 PM  
Anonymous Maureen said...

Here's mine: "Making New Year's Resolutions":

7:04 AM  
Blogger mel said...

Oh, a writing book....combining my two favourite things...

7:18 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I hope you are enjoying a wonderful holiday .
Thanks for the chance at this book. You being generous again.
I wrote about the pause, before the beginning.

9:52 AM  
Blogger RissaRoo said...

I could use some new beginnings! Thanks for all you do and I hope your Christmas was wonderful...and the new year is blessed.

10:15 AM  
Blogger Monica Sharman said...

My New Year's RAP here:

Will you give away the end, too? :)

12:42 PM  
Blogger katdish said...

Well, I wrote a post, but I'm not posting it until tomorrow. Does that still count?

3:19 PM  
Blogger SimplyDarlene said...

poetry prompt link for Beginnings...


3:29 PM  
Blogger Jo said...

I'm jumping in for the first time. Thanks!

4:27 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth @claritychaos said...

Sounds like a book I would love.

And is there a time on the 29th (today) for the deadline of writing from the prompt?

4:39 PM  
Blogger elaine @ peace for the journey said...

For me, Christmas remembrance has just begun...

December 26th was a really good day for my heart. Time to unpack it fully.

peace to you in the New Year~elaine

7:54 PM  
Blogger Corinne Cunningham said...

I would love to dive into that book!

8:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

RAP poem post -

9:23 PM  
Blogger katdish said...

Okay, Laura here you go:


8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I discovered your blog through Jo at Mylestones, and decided to wax poetic this morning. :) Thanks for a great prompt-- you have a new subscriber.

9:54 AM  
Blogger Jane said...

So happy to find you [through Claire]. I need to get back to the daily practice of finding time to write. The book sounds like just the inspiration I need.
Happy New Year!

10:33 AM  
Blogger Kellye said...

I love that picture! How cool! And what a neat project. Just the perfect thing to start my new blogging year off right!!! Thanks!

11:18 AM  
Blogger Denise said...

There is little more that I would want right now than a beginning. The book looks intriguing.


6:16 PM  
Blogger Kim Anderson said...

Well, today's post looks back. Tomorrow - a new world.

12:32 PM  
Blogger Kelly Sauer said...

hurrah for tweetdeck - I'd not have wanted to miss this chance! Wish I had a beginnings post, but time and babies aren't scheduled enough for anything beyond the random yet!

2:43 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Kelly, your 'random' posts since the birth of your little one is just about the most beautiful beginning any of us could ask for, I think.

3:07 PM  
Anonymous Eric said...'s my "down to the wire" comment so I can get in on the game! :) Don't know what I am going to do? Seems every time I turn around you bring up another wonderful book to add to the list!

9:27 PM  

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