Let Me Not Forget

I met her for the first time on a bench beneath the redwoods. I was fighting back tears, because it was the very first time I'd left my children— two little girls.
It seemed wrong somehow, that I should leave the girls for a whole week, go all the way to the opposite coast for a conference, to begin my first steps towards a writing career.
Kay Strom understood. She told me her story of leaving for the first time, and how her boy pressed his nose against the glass as the car drove away, and she was left standing at Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference, where she began her own writing career so many years before.
Emotionally, I collapsed into Kay's arms. And I have done so on occasion since that first meeting. Being with Kay makes a person feel safe, remembered.
When I received her new book from the publicists at InterVarsity Press, I wasn't surprised by its title. Kay was about to remember Forgotten Girls.
I could tell you about the book in my words, but I would rather you feel the power of Kay's remembering...
"Have you ever noticed how seldom something 'life changing' really changes your life? The term gets tossed around a lot— to describe watching the sun set in a gorgeous blaze of color, for instance, or to rave about an exciting adventure. Consider the number of books with the phrase splashed across the front cover. Good things, all. Inspiring and helpful and memorable. But 'life changing'?
Yet truly life-changing events do occur. Events that forever mark a divide between the 'then' and 'now' of life. Between despair and hope. Between ignorance and understanding. Between life and death.
Consider Parimala. She barely had time to draw her first breath before she experienced a life-changing event. As her mother staggered in from the fields, the baby was already entering the world. But no one rejoiced in her birth. When her father saw that the baby was a girl, he grabbed her up and carried her outside. He dug a hole in the hard ground beside their thatch-roofed hut and dropped her in. Then he covered her with dirt.
Done, and done.
But the baby's grandfather saw it all..."
Today I celebrate Kay for remembering the forgotten girls. She travels the world, sometimes in very dangerous places, to gather their stories, to help us participate in changing lives. Kay might not accept what I'm about to say... but I do believe that knowing her has been life changing.
(To help in a practical way, check out Sisters in Service. Maybe that's something to do for your $10 Challenge?)
Number 100 Million and One

1. Mary's Advent
2. Laura in the Moss
3. Social Media Guys
4. Snow-White Butterfly Tree
5. Butterflies and Parties
6. Let Me Not Forget (this post)
Labels: 12 Days of Community, Forgotten Girls, high calling blogs, Kay Strom
Kay would be a person I would hope to meet. In fact, I have, through you today.
Powerful writing.
Thank you for introducing Kay to us L.L. What a precious, compassionate heart. Her words are haunting and beautiful - and I think they could be life changing.
Maureen said it best. I met Kay today through you.
Thank you for introducing her to us.
We need to remember the forgotten, the lowly, and the downcast.
Thank you again for your heart of compassion. God bless you.
Hello from Romania ,
please read the blog – My heart His words – at archive blog please look at November - Humbled and Convicted-
, my friend Tammy Nischan wrote them the story and some pictures of some hungryes poors kids , what we try to help them for future and for Christmas .Our LORD will be so proud of us if we will do something! Many kids dont have food ,or Christmas tree becouse theu are so poors ! I fight so much to help this kids but i cant alone ~ if anyoane wants to know much more or wish to help in anyway you can please let me know email me at :
I love you blog,
sweet blessings and MERRY CHRISTMAS!
"But the baby's grandfather saw it all..." and so does our Heavenly Father.
Please check out my interview with Michele Rickett, founder and president of Sisters and Service on my blog, Stitchable Sisters:
Speaking of Hope: A Conversation with Michele Rickett of Sisters In Service
Thanks for listening and sharing!
I loved this LL.... really powerful, very well done.
a link for poetry....
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